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Kingswood walking and cycling improvements logoKingswood walking and cycling improvements

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Construction to begin in June

Work is due to start on Monday 10 June on the first phase of improvements to make it easier for people to walk and cycle in and around Kingswood. 

The work will focus on the roads listed below and is predominantly pedestrian improvements such as installing uncontrolled crossings, dropped kerbs and widening pavements.

  • Page Road 
  • North View 
  • Soundwell Road/Vincent Court Car Park Entrance 
  • Soundwell Road close to Kingswood Leisure Centre 
  • Soundwell Road junction with Hilltop Road 
  • Soundwell Road junction with Lansdown Road 
  • Soundwell Road Junction with Crown Road 
  • Downend Road junction with Worcester Road 

The second phase of the work, construction of cycle links, will start later in the summer. This includes work on Cecil Road which is scheduled to begin in August.


Work starts in June to deliver improvements to make it easier for people to walk and cycle in and around Kingswood. The initial phase of work, informed by the results of our engagement at the end of 2023, starts on 10 June and focuses on pedestrian improvements.

We will start work on the cycle links in and around the town later in the summer and will share updates throughout the works.

Posted on 30th May 2024

by South Gloucestershire Council

Consultation results published

The project team is grateful to the local people who shared their views via the engagement work completed from November until December 2023 on proposed pedestrian and cycling improvements in and around Kingswood.

This showed overall support for the measures

You can find a report summarising the findings of the survey and a map which plots comments which relate to specific locations on this page of the Common Place site.

The results have been shared with the project team and where appropriate will be used to refine the proposals as part of the detailed design of the project.

Posted on 1st March 2024

by South Gloucestershire Council